Saturday, April 13, 2013

3:28 AM
2012 saw a change in markets, search algorithms and SERP results. While content quality and inbound links continue to play major roles in organic rankings, let’s take a look at 6 new factors that will govern SEO in 2013.

The following data highlights prospective 2013 SEO trends, as demonstrated in the SEOM Company’s “2013 SEO trends” infographic.

1. Quality of Content

In 2013, quality and value of site content is essential!

High-volume, low-quality content will no longer rank well on Google.
Google’s new algorithm lifts high-content, quality pages in the search results.

By content quality, the metrics are:

uniqueness of the content/topic
rich information (i.e. no thin content)
quality outbound link choices
internal link structure within content
social signals (ie. is your content being shared?)

2. Author Rank

In 2013, Author Rank will be vital for every webmaster when deciding SERPs, as it:

determines the value of author content/reputation
adds credibility/value to websites.
Authorship requires webmasters to authenticate their content, which reduces spam and duplicate data.

Google hasn’t yet confirmed Author Rank within their algorithms, but most niches are preparing their rel=“author” links.

3. Mobile Response

This does not directly influence (or does it?) the ranking of a page, but still plays a role in the latest SEO trends.

An estimated 16% of web searches come from mobile devices, leading to the full potential of local searches in both SEO and in PPC.

This mobile search increase means:

site owners must transition to mobile-friendly pages
local businesses w/o sites should establish Internet presence.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing has been referred to as the “new SEO.”
Generally, content marketing is used to
attract backlinks
add value for the user/reader.
The challenge is circulating higher quality content with adequate social signals, to produce substantial SEO value.

In 2013, valuable content and marketing strategies are essential for SEO.

5. Localization

Approximately 40% of all searches on the internet are done with local intent (ie. adding local modifiers to queries.)

In 2013, businesses are encouraged to apply SEO features like:

map data
on local information sites.

These features will improve:

search engine rankings
user experience.

6. Social Signals

Shared social content is assigned a higher value in ranking algorithms, impacting SEO efforts by sending qualified traffic to these sites.

Social signals are now accepted as valid ranking factors, and play a growing role in 2013.

Shares, retweets, mentions, and +1s will be coveted by webmasters in 2013.
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